The Aztec Chamber of Commerce is looking for volunteers to continue the Painted Pianos Project started three years ago. The holiday storms have boosted Farmington’s total precipitation above the 30-year average with snowpack levels in Southwest Colorado over 100%, and the City of Farmington received a grant to start work on the Juniper Basin Recreation Area. By Hannah Robertson This story is sponsored by Distill Beer, Wine, Spirits and Sunray Park and Casino
Initially a local geologist’s dream office located seventy feet below sandstone ground, Kokopelli Cave became a five-star bed and breakfast in Farmington. It’s located on a three-hundred-foot desert cliff overlooking the lovely La Plata River Valley. Seventeen hundred square feet of carpeted cave offers a full kitchen, and jet tub water flow. Open March first through December first, it accommodates up to eight people for a one-of-a-kind experience. By Donna K. Hewett This story is sponsored by The Big Idea Makerspace at San Juan College and CMIT Solutions
San Juan Regional Childbirth Center has announced four new childbirth classes for it’s January schedule - including a class specifically for new fathers. The classes will be offered in conjunction with previously offered classes through the Childbirth Center. And the Aztec Museum has received a grant to assist in repairing its “Pecos West” cyclorama, constructed in the 1960s and donated to the museum in 2015. By Hannah Robertson This story is sponsored by Northern Edge Casino and ServiceMaster Restore
The official beer of Snowdown ’23 is an horchata-spiced ale with vanilla, cinnamon and citrus notes coming in at six percent ABV created Ska Brewing. Hornblower Horchata is available in 12 oz. 4-packs now through the end of Snowdown Sunday February 5th. By Connor Shreve This story is sponsored by StoneAge Tools and the Community Foundation Serving Southwest Colorado
More than a dozen high school football players from Aztec, Farmington, Bloomfield, Shiprock, and Kirtland were named to first and second all-state rosters. The city of Farmington has announced it will no longer acquire the San Juan generating station, and the Four Corners Home for Children once again celebrated the holiday season with its annual drive-through live Navajo Nativity scene. By Hannah Robertson This story is sponsored by Northern Edge Casino and Pop’s Truck and RV Center
The Nutcracker was performed in two acts at the Henderson Fine Arts building at San Juan College. For sisters Judy and Becky Mann, owners of the Mann Dance Academy in Farmington, it was their 14th annual assembly of the classic ballet. The Nutcracker is often the first exposure to both ballet and classical music for children from 3 to 18. This year, the Mann sisters cast 60 children in the performance. By Donna K. Hewett This story is sponsored by Distill Beer, Wine, Spirits and Ace Hardware of Farmington
Farmington Police Department is the recipient of a $250,000 grant, which it plans to use as retention bonuses for current officers. San Juan Regional Medical Center is now offering a telehealth partnership with Presbyterian Hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to better serve infants and their families, and if you need something to do over the holidays, events abound in Farmington. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Big Idea Makerspace at San Juan College and CMIT Solutions
As the holiday season ramps up this year, news about the flu, RSV, and COVID is doing the same. San Juan Region Medical Center and other local healthcare providers are asking residents to stay safe this year and observe precautions as you head to family and work gatherings this holiday season. maybe add more here? By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Northern Edge Casino and Pop’s Truck and RV Center
San Juan County Fire and Rescue wants you to have a safe and fire-free holiday season and has some tips for just that. Farmington Municipal Schools’ Coordinator of Fine Arts is recognized by the New Mexico Art Education Association, and Gold King Mine Settlement Proposals are in. By Hannah Robertson. Sponsored by Three Rivers Brewing and Boon’s Family Thai BBQ
Tailwind Nutrition initially began when co-founder Jeff Vierling wanted to find endurance fuel that worked for him, after running several ultra-marathons with less-than-preferable side effects from other formats. Today, Tailwind Nutrition sells its products across the United States and the world, mixed, packaged, and shipped from their new facility right next to the Durango La Plata Airport. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by The Payroll Department and The Man Cave Barber
Some extra-large eggs—a nest of six dinosaurs eggs were revealed to crowds of locals and their children at the Sherman Dugan Museum of Geology at San Juan College. Unbroken, and perfectly preserved, they were purchased and donated by Sean Dugan, son of Sherman, and grandson of Tom Dugan, an oil and gas family known for their generosity to San Juan County. By Donna K. Hewett This story is sponsored by Distill Beer, Wine, Spirits and CMIT Solutions
Two current and one former San Juan County officers are taking to the Atlantic to row as part of the Talisker Whiskey Atlantic Challenge, aiming to raise awareness and funds for first responder mental health along the way. San Juan Regional Medical Center has received Gold Plus recognition from the American Heart Association's Mission: Lifeline for the fourth year in a row, and the City of Farmington wants you to take the outdoor recreation pledge. By Hannah Robertson This story is sponsored by Traegers Bar and SunRay Park and Casino
Ceramics professor at San Juan College, Don Ellis, and his students made hundreds of bowls for the Annual Charity Bowl Sale for $10 each—which included a fill-up of soup from Mary’s Kitchen on campus. A student art show also took place where master potters sold their wares and shared their many varied techniques. $10,000 dollars was raised for Tres Rios Habitat for Humanity, which builds affordable homes for low-income families in San Juan County. By Donna K. Hewett This story is sponsored by Northern Edge Casino and Service Master Restore
All-Ability Parks address parts of the community that often have issues accessing more traditional playgrounds and parks. Spurred by community advocates, the City of Farmington plans to take the site of the former Tibbetts Middle School on Apache Street and transform the space from the dirt lot, track, and old building into a space reflecting the needs and wants of all individuals in the community - no matter how they get around or interact with their environment. The park, the first of its kind in San Juan County, is planned to break ground in the Fall of 2023. By Hannah Robertson This story is sponsored by Ace Hardware of Farmington and Boon’s Family Thai BBQ
San Juan College and New Mexico State University have partnered to offer a program for Native entrepreneurs through the San Juan College Quality Center for Business, with the goal of helping 60 entrepreneurs over the next three years. Presbyterian Medical Services will bring the Festival of Trees back to the Farmington Civic Center with a week of activities to raise funds for San Juan County services, and the Farmington Chamber of Commerce is accepting applications for Business and Citizen of the Year. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Pop’s Truck and RV Center and Boon’s Family Thai BBQ
Twenty-six honor-roll students from Hermosa Jr High School worked together to place 1,500 flags on graves on Veteran’s Day at Memory Gardens in Farmington. Martha Roberts, a member of the Desert Gold Chapter of the DAR, walked row-by-row with a map eight years ago to document and archine the 1,500 veteran’s graves. By Donna K. Hewett. This story is sponsored by Ute Mountain Casino and Traegers Bar
If you’ve never met a Swainson’s Hawk in person, this is your chance. Hawks Aloft, a New Mexico non-profit, traveled to Farmington Museum to conduct their education program to local children and their parents. Hawks A loft’s research provides valuable insight into the welfare of local raptor populations—through rescue, rehab and education. By Donna K. Hewett This story is sponsored by @BoonsFamilyThaiBBQ and Pop’s Truck and RV Center
On a windy Friday afternoon, Navajo Preparatory School hosted a dedication ceremony for the rebuilt hogan on the campus - a place that marries tradition with modernity and has already established itself as a home for the students who attend the Academy. With speeches from current and former students, state representatives, and community leaders, the celebration was a warm and welcoming as the crackling fire in the center of the hogan. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by CMIT Solutions and Service Master Restoration
San Juan County Fire and Rescue wants to make sure your home is safeguarded against winter fires, while keeping you and your family warm! Make sure to get your registration in for the annual Ringing in Christmas Parade this year, and 100% San Juan County has launched a new directory of 10 essential services in San Juan County. This story is sponsored by Ace Hardware of Farmington and The Big Idea Makerspace at San Juan College
D’DAT, a local music trio, were invited to the WOMAD World Festival experience in South Africa. Members collaborated with local artists, indigenous musicians, and more, learning and exchanging personal experiences and cultural perspectives. With a new album on the way inspired and produced during their trip, D’DAT wants to continue to explore themes and ideas they learned along the way. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Three Rivers Brewing and Pop’s Truck & RV Center