Farmington 4th Safety Tips

June 28, 2024

The 4th of July - one of the hallmarks of summer - is nearly here! Between bar-be-ques, parades, and fireworks shows, San Juan County is full of fun activities for everyone. With everything going on, San Juan County Fire and Rescue have some tips to keep the fun going, fireworks enjoyable, and everyone safe. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Traegers Bar and Home2Suites.

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Summer is heating up. And with firework sales starting last week, it is that time of year again. Whether you're planning on partaking in one of the many professional displays in the Four Corners area, or planning on your own, make sure to stay safe, stay informed, and most of all, have fun. You're watching the Local News Network, brought to you by Traegers Bar and Home2 Suites. I'm Connor Shreve.

San Juan County hosts quite a bit of events over the 4th of July. This is a big time of year for us. It's a time where people want to get out, and celebrate the holiday with family and friends.

The sale of fireworks is legislated at the state level, but if you're purchasing fireworks, be aware of local regulations. The cities of Farmington, Bloomfield, and Aztec all have city level restrictions on the types of fireworks allowed in city limits. So, make sure to check local fire department websites and social media before making your firework purchase.

We will have fireworks patrols out and about to make sure that people are being safe with fireworks. We don't want to be the "no fun" police. That's not what we're about. But we want to recognize the fact that fireworks are dangerous, and not in the proper hands, they can be dangerous. And it never fails. Every year we see a handful of injuries from, you know, particularly children that held that firework in their hands or that firecracker in their hands, you know, longer than they should.

Although San Juan County has recently had some rainfall and there may be more in the forecast, Vega reminds people to use some common sense in setting off their own fireworks, making sure that there is always adult supervision, and that the launching and surrounding area is clear of vegetation. McGee Park will once again be open for firework launching this year.

So, if you're wanting a, a safe place to take your family, a place that doesn't have any vegetation, we would encourage you to utilize that parking lot at McGee Park. It does fill up kind of fast, so if you're wanting to get out there, I'd suggest getting out there early, and zoning off a little place for you and your family. But that'll be open starting the 28th of June, that Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. And then again on the night of the July 3rd, fourth, fifth, and sixth. If you do go out there, we would just ask, please pick up after yourself. Don't leave your discarded fireworks out in the parking lot. There'll be a dumpster out there for you to throw away all your discarded fireworks. Please be courteous and clean up after yourself.

The city of Farmington will host its annual fireworks display on Wednesday, July 3rd at 9:25 PM. The show is choreographed to a soundtrack of classic and current patriotic hits, and launched from Sullivan Hall. The city of Bloomfield will continue the show on Friday, July 5th, starting at dusk. And for those wanting their own private show, Vega has a couple of recommendations for a safe, fun, and injury-free evening.

The first thing that I would tell you is have a water source nearby. Even though that firework has been discharged, it's still likely that there's enough heat and propellant in that discharged firework to create a fire. So, again, apply some common sense. Don't immediately throw your discarded fireworks into your trash barrel in your house. I would encourage you either just leave them there overnight to let 'em cool off or ideally have a bucket of water and throw all of your discarded fireworks in a bucket of water. That just ensures that they are 100% out and they're not going to start a fire. If you are having your children help you, again, apply some common sense. Don't let your kids hold fireworks in their hands. Even sparklers with young kids can be dangerous, so adult supervision is always required when you're discharging fireworks.

Make sure to follow San Juan County Fire and Rescue on social media to get regular updates about fire danger. And Vega wants to remind everyone that you can always give the county a call, if you have any questions about fireworks, fire safety, and more. We here at the Local News Network wish you and your families a happy, fun, and safe 4th of July. Thanks for watching this edition of "the Local News Roundup." Find more information online at I'm Connor Shreve.


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