Water Releases from Navajo Lake

May 24, 2023

In order to keep up with the current rate of snowmelt from the mountains, the Bureau of Reclamation has moved up the annual release of water from Navajo Lake to proactively prevent water overflow. The City of Farmington encourages you to take the Outdoor Pledge as we head into a summer of recreation fun, and, speaking of fun, come and join Desert River Guides and Three Rivers Brewery to celebrate the release of Desert River Lager. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by Pop’s Truck & RV Center and Traegers Bar

Learn More...

Bureau of Reclamation - https://www.usbr.gov/

Navajo Lake - https://www.usbr.gov/uc/water/crsp/cs/nvd.html

City of Farmington - https://www.fmtn.org/

City of Farmington Outdoor Recreation Pledge - https://www.fmtn.org/742/ORII

Desert River Guides - https://desertriverguides.com/

Three Rivers Brewery - https://www.threeriversbrewery.com/

Read the Full Transcript

If the river seems to be running faster and higher than usual, you're not imagining things. The Bureau of Reclamation moved up planned releases from Navajo Lake as the lake is already over 75% capacity and more snow melt is on the way, with the weather warming up. The city of Farmington encourages you to take the outdoor recreation pledge and celebrate the release of Desert River Logger with Desert River Guides. You're watching the local News Roundup, brought to you by Pop's Truck and RV Center and Traegers Bar. I'm Wendy Graham Settle, coinciding with a rise in temperature and peak flows of the Animus River. The Bureau of Reclamation moved up the release of water from Navajo Lake earlier this month to keep from overflowing into the spillway. As of Friday, May 19th, the reservoir was over 75% full. With more anticipated runoff and rainy weather coming in, by doing controlled releases the Bureau of Reclamation can maintain safe levels of water as once it enters the spillway water levels may rise quickly and unexpectedly. Follow San Juan County's Office of Emergency Management's Facebook page for continued updates on the release and water levels in the lake in Animus River as summer activities beckon, the City of Farmington asks you to take the outdoor recreation pledge. The pledge part of the outdoor Recreation industry initiative aims to leave shared spaces better than when you found them for the next guest. When you take the pledge you promise to be well prepared and practice safety. Be clean and leave no trace. Be kind and respectful and be an ambassador of information and enthusiasm for outdoor spaces. Come celebrate the release of Desert River Lager with Three Rivers Brewery and Desert River Guides on Saturday, June 17th. The third annual event starts at Three Rivers Tap Room at 3:00 PM with a bus ride to the river where you can enjoy a crawler. And the river landscape of San Juan County, space is limited. So call Desert River Guides to register. Learn more about these and other stories online at farmingtonlocal.news. Thank you for watching this edition of the Local News Roundup. I'm Wendy Graham Settle.


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